Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!! I apologize for not updating as usual, I had problems with logging onto blogspot, and then forgot the password!!!! My christmas was fantastic, Santa spoiled me for sure!!!

Now that the holidays are almost over, Im going to be starting to prep for Miss CT and really focus alot of my time with my platform which is America's Toothfairy!

My first presentation will be at Manross Library on December 28th, It a spa day for girls, moms, and grandmothers. I will be going over the importance of dental hygiene and why a smile is important to beauty. The first week of January, I will be giving two presentations at the Bristol Head Start Program and I will give an updated blog on both appearances!!

Hope Everyone enjoyed their holidays !!!

Miss Bristol 2011

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pumpkin Festival

Last saturday, the 16th, I was able to participate in the Pumpkin Festival in Forestville, CT. It was my first year going to the festival and I had a blast! I arrived with a bag full of canned goods and was able to walk in the parade! I assisted Mickey Mouse because the costume was very difficult to see out of!

The kids looked fabulous in all of their costumes for the parade! My favorite costume was the JellyFish costume, it was so creative!! I had a chance to look at all the pumpkins that were carved and I have to say I was extremely impressed. Alot of people really took their time and effort into carving pumpkins. I know I don't have the skills to carve pumpkins so I am glad I didn't have to put one in. All the pumpkins there would have put my pumpkin to shame anyways!

There was also a pet parade where people dressed their dogs in an animal costume. There was a lot of variety but only one dog stood out. It was our Little Miss Bristol's Meredith Valley's dog Coco, who won the judges over in her Dallas Cowboys cheerleading outfit. She was so excited that her puppy won!!

I also ran into a good friend of mine, Brittany Decker, Miss Connecticut 2010. She will be competing for the title of Miss America in January. The countdown begins today at 90 days until the pageant because it is the 90th Anniversary of the Miss America Scholarship Pageant. I know she will do a fabulous job!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jayne Eugene Florists

Yesterday, I spent my morning and afternoon at Jayne Eugene Florists open house! Our ED, Michael Piskorski owns the store and invited us to make our very first appearance! It was wonderful, the store looked absolutely beautiful and it was a great sucess!

My teens and I, got to pass out flowers, pins, and raffle tickets to everyone that came in! I thought I had made a little girl cry when I was trying to give her a flower, but it turns out she was just afraid of the clown outside! Jenna, Tori, and I helped the clown outside trying to wave down people to come to the open house. We got alot of beeps and waves but it was absolutely hilarious to see people try and ignore us!

It was nice to spend the day with my bristol family and I look forward to all the other appearances I will have with them!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

I am Miss Bristol 2011

On Saturday, October 2nd 2010, I was crowned Miss Bristol 2011. My initial reaction was shock! I've competed in the Miss America system for just one year and I couldn't believe that my crowning moment would have come so fast!

I am so excited to start my year as Miss Bristol, I have so many fun things planned and I can't wait to get to known the community of Bristol. I hope I can exceed their expectations as a title holder because I do not want to disappoint them!

I also cannot wait to help promote my issue of concern NCOHF: America's Toothfairy. If anyone would like more information please check out their website, Each month I will write an article about the foundation so you can get a clearer understanding of what America's Toothfairy is.

To Jenna & Tori, I haven't told you girls enough how excited I am to have two sister queens. I can't wait to spend the entire year with you girls and make everlasting memories and friendships. Love you girls!!

To the Miss Bristol board, thank you for all for putting on a wonderful show and making myself and the rest of the contestants at ease during rehearsals. I had a blast and can not wait to see what you have in store!!!

I will keep all of my appereances posted on here for those that would like to follow my journey!

With love,
Marisa DelBuono
Miss Bristol 2011

Monday, September 13, 2010


So this afternoon I had recieved an email that made me thrilled!
I am the president of the dental assisting club!!
I anticipated this email for quite sometime and couldn't have been more excited!! I was jumping up and down like a 5 year old getting what she wanted under the christmas tree! I wanted this position more than anything. I can't wait to get started and see what my title entails. I know we will be doing tons of fundraising which will benefit us for graduation, it will also be a great way to collect ideas to raise money for America's Toothfairy.
This position will motivate to work harder (although I am working as hard as I possible could as a student) to get closer to my career as a certified dental assistant! I am so happy with my life's choices and grateful for where I am headed in my future!!

PS My birthday is in ONE week!!!!!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

I am so terribly sorry for not updating my blog like I intended on doing when I started. For the past month I have been jammed pack with school work. Dental assisting consumes my entire life right now!!! I barely have enough time for myself but right now it is calming down but I know it will start back up in a blink of an eye!
I'm really enjoying the course the work is tough but the labs are so much fun! I learned how to put amalgam in a prepared tooth (fillings) and learned to take impressions (which are my favorite, most dental assistants would agree). I can't wait for the clinical portion to start up so I can actually know what it is like to work with real patients instead of using our fake teeth.

Pageant season is starting Oct. 2nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am stoked! I've been waiting for that date to arrive!
When the time gets closer, I will update on it!

Also my birthday is 11 days, I will be turning the big 19! haha
Well, I just wanted to update you on my life, now back to my dental homework!!!

(PS. im going to start vlogging but it is going to be strictly makeup and such! and will keep you posted on that as well)


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

America's Toothfairy

Pageant season is just around the corner!!! One of the many things of competiting in pageants a contestant must do is pick a platform to support. I chose to support National Children's Oral Health Foundation: America's Tooth Fairy.

As a dental assistant student and aspiring dental hygienist, what better cause to support than America's Tooth Fairy!!

America's Toothfairy is a non-profit organization who's main focus is delivering critical oral health care to underprivileged children through out the country. This organization was formed in 2006 and in the last four years they have been able to provide prevention, restoration, and educational oral health services to over one million children.

Why does this matter? It breaks my heart to know that millions of children in America are suffering pain so severe that they lose the ability to eat, sleep, and learn. With out the help of this organization they are fighting the #1 chronic childhood illness, pediatric dental disease, alone.

If you could just make one donation to his wonderful cause, it would mean the world to these children. Just click the link on the side of this blog (proud partner logo) to get more of the information I have given and please, donate.

Every child deserves a healthy smile. :)


Sunday, August 8, 2010

School & Other Things

Well, I haven't been posting as much as I anticipated this summer because I've been working full time and on top of everything I have HOMEWORK! Of course the homework bothers me, who doesn't it bother...however my homework is a lot interesting than others so it makes time fly, it also takes forever.
The reason I have homework already before school begins is because in just one week I will be going back. I have to take a CPR training course because it is required to take it. It will be extremely easy because I was certified my sophomore year of highschool.
The one thing I am not looking forward to besides going back to school is not being able to work as much as I'd like. I love the money I'm making now but I know it will be cut in half when school starts.

Also, I can't contain myself but ..... PAGEANT SEASON IS IN FULL MOTION!!!!!!!

I have been keeping up with my diet (I may have a few splurges), exercise (I just built my own gym in my basement with the help of my wonderful boyfriend), and starting to fill my new pageant wardobe.

I have my interview dress, bathingsuit, and on tuesday I will be picking up my gown. It is absolutely gorgeous, I fell in love with it the minute I put it on. I'd love to tell you what it looks like but it's a suprise!!! Ragtime Boutique in Watertown, CT has a great supply of dresses. Natalie, the owner is the wardrobe sponser for the Miss CT Scholarship Program. She is just phenominal!!

Now the countdown to the pageants begin!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Healthy Start to a Healthy You

Healthy start to a healthy you is a saying that just recently stuck to me. I've come to realize as I've gotten older, I've noticed some changes with body. When I first met my boyfriend 5 years ago I weighed about 110 lbs. Now I weigh around 130 lbs. I know to some people that isn't a lot but when I used to be physically active with dance, cheerleading, and volleyball - it's become a lot to me. In those years I stopped all those activities and ate with the mind set that I still have a fast metabolism. Well now the food is really catching up to me.

I am now starting to really watch what I eat and no, I'm not going on a diet. I'm cutting out soda, sweets, and fast food. After doing much research on what I should be putting into my diet, I came up with a schedule of when I should eat. This may come in handy for anyone who is interested in being healthier. The day will consist of - Morning: Breakfast (9am) Afternoon: Lunch (12pm) Mid Day: Snack (2:30pm) Evening: Dinner (5pm) and Late night Snack (7pm).

Now you can't lose the weight without exercising so during my days I will either take a walk or use the Wii Fit. However, I am really interested in buying a ab pro circle because I heard it's really fun and easy to do. Or maybe buy an elliptical because I don't want to pay for a gym member ship because it was a waste of money because I never went. I also can't follow workout videos because I get bored and give up!

It's been almost 3 days since I started my healthy start to a healthy me and I feel great already, let's just hope I keep up with the hard work because I need to prepare for swimwear in my pageants!!! :)


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Back Street Boys

On Tuesday, June 15th 2010 the Backstreet Boys performed at the Mohegan Sun Casino. Of course my 5 fabulous friends including myself bought tickets and attended the phenomenon. Words simply cannot explain the joy that concert brought me.

Being almost 19 years old, I bawled my eyes out when they came on stage. It was as if I went back in time 10 years because I felt that inner child in myself. The concert lived up to my expectations. ( Although, one of my favorite members, Kevin, left the group ) The concert was such a moving experience, one that I will never forget. ( of course, I still remember the very first time I saw them years ago ) But this time, I appreciated them even more because the songs they sing have meaning behind the lyrics, which touch my heart and because I got to spend that moment with my best friends. It's truly a memory that will stay in my heart forever.

Now that concerts done and over with. It feels like a dream and I wish I could go back. I can't stop listening to their songs over and over. I know that once I hear or read that they'll have another tour, you bet I will be buying another ticket.

However, when N*Sync reunites THAT will be another story!


Saturday, June 12, 2010

New York Yankees

Living for almost 19 years one of things I never got to experience was going to a New York Yankees game until this morning, June 12, 2010. It was an experience that I will never forget and something I look forward to do again.

My lovely boyfriend and his family had invited me to the trip. We took a coach bus all the way to the Bronx and the ride there alone, was an experience in itself. We played deal or no deal, which I was very good at, but I won 10 dollars with Kaley (my boyfriend's sister's friend) and we split the win in half. ( WOO HOO gas money!!! ) My boyfriend Zach played the price is right and won 'beano' a gas relief substance, which was absolutely hilarious!

Once we arrived, they set up food, snacks, and refreshments before the game. I had a delicious hotdog. My boyfriend was a laugh, asking people if they knew if Matsui was playing, even though he knows he was drafted to a different team. We both would love to seem him come back to the Yankees, in my opinion Yankee Stadium is his home!

Walking into the stadium, I was astonished. Zach had been in the old stadium years ago so it was nice for him to tell me all the differences there were between the new and old stadium. Our seats were the second to last row at the top tier but they were great seats, almost behind home plate, but where ever you sat, you had a great view.

Of course, my Yankees won the game against the Astros 9-3 , what a perfect end to my first game!!

However, I am completely exhausted and have the biggest headache considering all the men in the back of the bus were screaming because they wanted to win the music trivia game we were playing on the ride back home!

Here are some pictures from my trip

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Well the 2010 local pageants have been over for quite sometime now and I have to wait until next year to compete again. What hasn't left my mind is the platform I chose to support. National Children's Oral Health Foundation: America's Tooth Fairy. Well, what is a platform? A platform is something a contestant chooses to support and deeply cares about that is of relevance to our country.

As a dental assistant student and aspiring dental hygienist, what better cause to support than America's Tooth Fairy. So, what is NCOHF: America's Tooth Fairy? It is a non-profit organization who's main focus is delivering critical oral health care to underprivileged children through out the country. This organization was formed in 2006 and in the last four years they have been able to provide prevention, restoration, and educational oral health services to over one million children.

Why does this matter? It breaks my heart to know that millions of children in America are suffering pain so severe that they lose the ability to eat, sleep, and learn. With out the help of this organization they are fighting the #1 chronic childhood illness, pediatric dental disease, alone.

If you could just make one donation to his wonderful cause, it would mean the world to these children. Just click the link on the side of this blog (proud partner logo) to get more of the information I have given and please, donate.

I'm also interested in ways to fundraise for them because there are no affiliations in CT and I don't know how to get a fundraiser started. So if any one could be such a big help, please feel free to leave me some ideas! Thank YOU!
( Leave a comment or email me: )



Everyone that I know (including my fabulous group of friends) are obsessed with the hit TV show Glee! I have to admit, I was not a fan of it. My mom even asked me why I don't watch it when I love to sing and dance. I just thought it was just really "corny" how students were just going to sing a song when their feelings changed and what not. So I completely missed the first series of the show and I told myself over and over that I wasn't going to get sucked into the phenomenon.

Well turns out I did, I am now a HUGE fan!

The first episode I watched was in season two when the guest star was Neil Patrick Harris. He blew me away with his singing and I fell in love. ( Don't worry, I know he's gay) But I loved his deut with Matthew Morrison (Mr. Schuester) who plays the very attractive teacher in Glee. They covered the song "Dream On" by aerosmith and I have to say, I love it better than the original! :x

I watched from the middle of season two to the finale episode which premiered Tuesday June 8th. I was heart broken and cannot wait until the third season starts up! So in the meantime, my mom just bought the Glee soundtrack with all the volumes so I can enjoy them as I drive!

I've actually been listening to it while writing and it's just so calming and relaxing! I suggest everybody purchase the soundtrack it's amazing!


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


One thing about myself is that organization is not the key to my life.

After my first year of college done and over with, it has come to my attention that I need to be fully organized after pulling through my second semester, struggling. So what better way to start than cleaning my room?! My family has always made fun of the fact that I'm not one to clean my room. I mean, for holidays of course, my room would be spotless, but then it would just go back to the disaster it was before. Clothes are scattered around my room, you can't even see an inch of my desk and dresser with the amount of makeup, jewelry, and hair accessories. ( I guess it's the cost you pay when you get into pageantry! )

Not only have I been cleaning my room for the past three days, but I have been watching very inspiring youtube videos to keep up my motivation. I've been watching alot of room tours where girls show off their rooms and how they keep everything neat and tidy. (Juicystar07)'s room inspired me the most because I've been watching her videos for quite some time now. She does outstanding makeup tutorials, hauls, and hair styles. Her sister (Allthatglitters21) does an amazing job as well. Here are their links ( and (
Watch their room tours and maybe you'll get inspired like I did!

As I've been cleaning, my obsession with the dollar store has progressed. I absolutely love the dollar store. I've actually gone to five different dollar stores in the past two days. I need an intervention. But, I've purchased so many storage boxs that I just couldn't pass u., HELLO EVERYTHING COSTS A DOLLAR!! What's great about it is that my room is pink, white, and black. Everytime I've went in the store, they'd have those three colors I needed. Then of course I'd buy things I really dont need. Nail polish, eye shadow, make up brushes (which by the way, are all from the E.L.F cosmetics collection) The reason it's so cheap is because the brand has been bought up by a major department store and so the rest of e.l.f's inventory is being sold off at an incredibly price.

How can a girl like me, pass up something like that?!
I'll be sure to post some pictures of how my room turns out!