Monday, October 18, 2010

Pumpkin Festival

Last saturday, the 16th, I was able to participate in the Pumpkin Festival in Forestville, CT. It was my first year going to the festival and I had a blast! I arrived with a bag full of canned goods and was able to walk in the parade! I assisted Mickey Mouse because the costume was very difficult to see out of!

The kids looked fabulous in all of their costumes for the parade! My favorite costume was the JellyFish costume, it was so creative!! I had a chance to look at all the pumpkins that were carved and I have to say I was extremely impressed. Alot of people really took their time and effort into carving pumpkins. I know I don't have the skills to carve pumpkins so I am glad I didn't have to put one in. All the pumpkins there would have put my pumpkin to shame anyways!

There was also a pet parade where people dressed their dogs in an animal costume. There was a lot of variety but only one dog stood out. It was our Little Miss Bristol's Meredith Valley's dog Coco, who won the judges over in her Dallas Cowboys cheerleading outfit. She was so excited that her puppy won!!

I also ran into a good friend of mine, Brittany Decker, Miss Connecticut 2010. She will be competing for the title of Miss America in January. The countdown begins today at 90 days until the pageant because it is the 90th Anniversary of the Miss America Scholarship Pageant. I know she will do a fabulous job!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jayne Eugene Florists

Yesterday, I spent my morning and afternoon at Jayne Eugene Florists open house! Our ED, Michael Piskorski owns the store and invited us to make our very first appearance! It was wonderful, the store looked absolutely beautiful and it was a great sucess!

My teens and I, got to pass out flowers, pins, and raffle tickets to everyone that came in! I thought I had made a little girl cry when I was trying to give her a flower, but it turns out she was just afraid of the clown outside! Jenna, Tori, and I helped the clown outside trying to wave down people to come to the open house. We got alot of beeps and waves but it was absolutely hilarious to see people try and ignore us!

It was nice to spend the day with my bristol family and I look forward to all the other appearances I will have with them!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

I am Miss Bristol 2011

On Saturday, October 2nd 2010, I was crowned Miss Bristol 2011. My initial reaction was shock! I've competed in the Miss America system for just one year and I couldn't believe that my crowning moment would have come so fast!

I am so excited to start my year as Miss Bristol, I have so many fun things planned and I can't wait to get to known the community of Bristol. I hope I can exceed their expectations as a title holder because I do not want to disappoint them!

I also cannot wait to help promote my issue of concern NCOHF: America's Toothfairy. If anyone would like more information please check out their website, Each month I will write an article about the foundation so you can get a clearer understanding of what America's Toothfairy is.

To Jenna & Tori, I haven't told you girls enough how excited I am to have two sister queens. I can't wait to spend the entire year with you girls and make everlasting memories and friendships. Love you girls!!

To the Miss Bristol board, thank you for all for putting on a wonderful show and making myself and the rest of the contestants at ease during rehearsals. I had a blast and can not wait to see what you have in store!!!

I will keep all of my appereances posted on here for those that would like to follow my journey!

With love,
Marisa DelBuono
Miss Bristol 2011