Wednesday, August 11, 2010

America's Toothfairy

Pageant season is just around the corner!!! One of the many things of competiting in pageants a contestant must do is pick a platform to support. I chose to support National Children's Oral Health Foundation: America's Tooth Fairy.

As a dental assistant student and aspiring dental hygienist, what better cause to support than America's Tooth Fairy!!

America's Toothfairy is a non-profit organization who's main focus is delivering critical oral health care to underprivileged children through out the country. This organization was formed in 2006 and in the last four years they have been able to provide prevention, restoration, and educational oral health services to over one million children.

Why does this matter? It breaks my heart to know that millions of children in America are suffering pain so severe that they lose the ability to eat, sleep, and learn. With out the help of this organization they are fighting the #1 chronic childhood illness, pediatric dental disease, alone.

If you could just make one donation to his wonderful cause, it would mean the world to these children. Just click the link on the side of this blog (proud partner logo) to get more of the information I have given and please, donate.

Every child deserves a healthy smile. :)


Sunday, August 8, 2010

School & Other Things

Well, I haven't been posting as much as I anticipated this summer because I've been working full time and on top of everything I have HOMEWORK! Of course the homework bothers me, who doesn't it bother...however my homework is a lot interesting than others so it makes time fly, it also takes forever.
The reason I have homework already before school begins is because in just one week I will be going back. I have to take a CPR training course because it is required to take it. It will be extremely easy because I was certified my sophomore year of highschool.
The one thing I am not looking forward to besides going back to school is not being able to work as much as I'd like. I love the money I'm making now but I know it will be cut in half when school starts.

Also, I can't contain myself but ..... PAGEANT SEASON IS IN FULL MOTION!!!!!!!

I have been keeping up with my diet (I may have a few splurges), exercise (I just built my own gym in my basement with the help of my wonderful boyfriend), and starting to fill my new pageant wardobe.

I have my interview dress, bathingsuit, and on tuesday I will be picking up my gown. It is absolutely gorgeous, I fell in love with it the minute I put it on. I'd love to tell you what it looks like but it's a suprise!!! Ragtime Boutique in Watertown, CT has a great supply of dresses. Natalie, the owner is the wardrobe sponser for the Miss CT Scholarship Program. She is just phenominal!!

Now the countdown to the pageants begin!